Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 02:04PM
Gloria Luk

Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes 

McCourt's Angela's Ashes (1996) is a beautiful memoir, suitable for young and adult readers, recounting the story of his childhood in Ireland, living in absolute poverty in the back lane of rain-sodden Catholic Limerick during the Great Depression.

This book is not just another memoir. McCourt has woven a wonderful piece of art, I think, depicting the battle against adversity and the entrenched culture of alcoholism in Limerick from a child's point of view. It's not, however, a depressing read.

The credo of Limerick people was "If you don't laugh, you've to cry."  McCourt's gallows humour, his love of the songs and poems read aloud by his alcoholic father, treads the paths of his upbringing in Limerick. McCourt's Angela's Ashes will send you into a reading binge.

I had the fortunate chance of meeting McCourt in Canada; Frank was a lovely man, and left us too soon. Copies of Angela's Ashes are in our public libraries, and its movie also preserves his scenes of decades. For the back lane that McCourt describes is there no longer. 

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